The SEM Model 200e disintegrator has been evaluated by NSA and with the standard 3/32" screen, meets the requirements of NSA/CSS specification 02-02 for disintegration.
The SEM Model 250 Optical Media and key tape Disintegrator has been evaluated by the NSA and meets the requirements of NSA/CSS specification 04-02 for optical media destruction devices and 04-01 specification for key tape.
The Phiston MediaVise Rackmount V-Spike SSD Destroyer (MVR-V- SSD) is the first and only commercially available, rack mountable that combines physical Destruction of solid-state storage Devices (SSD) with Phiston `s V-Spike Technology that Disables SSD Electronic Components.
The Phiston MediaVise Rackmount SSD Destroyer (MVR-SSD) is the first and only commercially available, rack mountable solid-state drive and digital media destroyer
The Phiston MVR-HDD doesn’t simply make a drive inoperable by folding or punching a few holes in it.
The Phiston MediaVise Compact V-Spike SSD Destroyer (MVC-V-SSD) adds a new dimension to physical destruction of SSDs by combining Phiston’s V-Spike Technology that disables SSD Electronic Components.
The Phiston MediaVise Compact SSD Destroyer (MVC-SSD) is a patented RCMP evaluated high security solid-state drive and digital media destroyer.
The Phiston MediaVise Compact HDD Destroyer (MVC-HDD) is a patented, NSA and RCMP evaluated high security computer hard disk drive destroyer.
The Phiston MediaVise SSD Destroyer (MV-SSD) is a commercial-capacity computer solid-state drive destroyer.